Thursday 19 March 2009


Something pulled me up away from the ironghyll sea. I looked up and saw it was the moon. Surrounded by rock, I could still see the moon. It lifted me like a tide, back to freedom. Back to the place where it all began.

That’s where I am now, trying desperately to cling to my thoughts before they all leak away. It’s all so clear now. The bones in the ceiling – the giant skeleton belongs to my poor son, Fleogan. He escaped me, even to the end. Who knows – perhaps he’s running from me still. Bones aren’t all we are. And the faery skeleton is poor Kathy, of course. Tiny now. The tunnel of all ends has played its tricks, and slipped them through time, turning them into something they never were, but which my human friend always wished she might be. I watched her precious faery bones dance again, the way I watched them before. I watched Kathy dance.

And me? Have I achieved my dream? I achieved it a long time ago, I think: to search. That’s the desire the tunnel drew from my mind, long ago, when we first met. So that’s what I do, still. And have always done.

Time drifts, and makes its last critical jump.

My name is Monajjfyllena, and I am the last dragon left in all the turned world. That’s all I remember now. Soon even that will be gone. I’ll be scoured again, and chasing my dream once more.

I stretch my wings; they feel like stone. There's stone all round me. I can't move. But there’s light ahead. Perhaps there I will find the answers. But not today. Today I’ll rest.

Tomorrow, let the journey begin.


  1. Utterly fantastic, Thank you for sharing!
    I am a fan of your dragon series, your writing is one of the constants I have gone back to read, and one of those things that has inspired me to continue fantasy art to this day :)

  2. Thanks Kristy! Glad you enjoyed this story. Like the art in your gallery by the way.

  3. Your stories are always beautiful, and at the same time sad, and yet I don't seem to mind how sad it can get, I love your books and writings that are about dragons. I'm a artist and writer myself, having trouble with my own world in fact haha, lots of dragons and stuff, anyway, I hope you can eventually get some other fantacies out sometime, I love reading them.

  4. Thanks for your kind comments, Goldblaze.

  5. Your quite welcome, question though, is it usual to make up litle stories beond the book you've read if you really like the story? I usually use that to rate how much I like a book or movie by how much I want it to continue by making up stories in my head.
